Geotextile permeability is one of the important things that you should consider. Permeability is related to determining the type of geotextile. In the world of civil engineering, many jobs use geotextiles. Such as work related to separation, strengthening, filtration, stabilization, to drainage.

In design, geotextiles have characteristics. That is why, in its design, it is necessary to select geotextile materials according to the technical characteristics of the material. Starting from physical characteristics, mechanical characteristics, and hydraulic characteristics, to material resistance.

Geotextile Permeability

Get to Know Geotextile Permeability

You can test the material to find out and understand the properties of geotextile materials. Each country has its test standards. America is one of the countries that have special standards regarding geotextiles. The standard is known as ASTM D 35. IGS or the International Geotextile Society still uses this standard today.

Talking about permeability, including the hydraulic characteristics. The determination of hydraulic properties applies to several uses and uses of geotextiles. Such as overcoming drainage problems, filtration, and problems related to groundwater.

Hydraulic characteristics consist of several groupings, such as porosity, apparent opening size, permittivity, transmissivity, to permeability. On this occasion, we will briefly expand on geotextile permeability.


Permeability is the normal direction of the groundwater seepage coefficient on the geotextile plane. These characteristics are perpendicular to the plane of the geotextile. In other words, permeability has the property of absorbing water. As standard is ASTM D 4491. While the permeability value reaches 0.0008 to 0.23 cm/s.

In contrast to permittivity. Permittivity is the value of the normal direction coefficient for each unit thickness of the geotextile. The thicker the geotextile, the lower the permeability. As a comparison, the permittivity price is relatively constant. While the geotextile permittivity value according to ASTM D 4491 standard reaches 0.02 to 2.2 per second.

Geotextile Permeability Comparison

According to the rules, the permeability must be greater than that of the adjacent soil. The meaning of this explanation is that the flow rate of water through the geotextile is greater if you compare it to the flow rate in the soil. That way, the geotextile does not become a pinch point for the movement of water originating from the soil into the drainage medium.

The permeability range of the soil may be 1 x 10-8 m/s. It is possible, however, that this figure may be lower in cohesive soils. Meanwhile, on sandy soil, permeability can reach 1 x 10-4 m/s.

A typical nonwoven geotextile has a perpendicular flow of water, which is about 100 I/m2 at a 50 mm hydraulic head which is at least a thousand times more when you compare it to typical soil. For this reason, in most situations, the factor of safety for permeability is very high. It is possible to slightly reduce the flow performance of the geotextile over time.

Differences in Permeability of Non-Woven and Woven Geotextile

Non-woven geotextile has a better permeability level if you compare it to woven geotextile. Most of the non-woven geotextiles are made of man-made fibers. No wonder, if it has much greater strength than natural fibers.

The needle punch system can produce nonwoven geotextile fabrics with a high level of fiber strength. The permeability properties are also better. So it is with good strength. This happens because the constituent elements are staple fibers that have strong characteristics with random interweaving using a needle.

That was a brief explanation of geotextile permeability that you can understand. Through this information, the use and utilization of geotextiles can be maximized. For more information about Geotextile Membrane supplier near me please contact: Whatsapp/Mobile Phone : +62 811 1721 338 (Ais), +62 811 9151 338 (Anna), +62 811-8805-538 (Davy) or Email :