Geotextile stabilization is one of the materials used to stabilize soil conditions, especially soft soils, which occurs a lot during the road-making process. Material is one of the most widely used areas that have soft soil structures.
Material is very important to be used to help strengthen soil stability, at a low cost. Obviously, you will get a big profit if you use this product because besides the price is cheap you don’t need to be afraid of disaster coming.
In addition, the durability of this product is strong enough that it will not be easily damaged for a long time. You can buy it from various agricultural stores to material stores. We will provide interesting information about such products as well.
Reasons to Choose Geotextile Stabilization
You live in an area that is prone to disasters or the soil structure is easily soft so if it is in the hills it will be prone to landslides. You can use this material to help in strengthening the soil at a relatively low cost.
There are two types of Geotextile that you can use, namely woven geotextile and non-woven Geotextile. Both types of materials can make it easy, you strengthen the structure of the soil.
Geotextile woven is used for polypropylene polymer and tone as well as various polyester. In the form of a sheet whose fibers are woven with the latest technology where this material is used to strengthen soil durability.
Geotextile non-woven material its use is the same only depends on the type of soil used. Therefore, you are free to choose a name from both types to get convenience.
Main Functions of Geotextile Stabilization
Geotextile stabilization has a main function that is very important to maintain soil structure to remain safe. We will also provide various functions of this material, so if you are curious then read this article to the end.
You can use it for filters because it has high permeability properties, so it can remove water through geotextile materials. The process of using it is also easy, water will flow without carrying soil particles.
So that soil deposition can occur and water will flow clearly without being mixed with soil particles. Water will flow but soil cannot penetrate this material easily.
Because it is known as a very effective material for separating soft soil mixtures with hard resistance. Material is often used when the process of building roads on soft soil. During the rainy season, soft soil will move up, now the role of this material is to prevent the soil from rising.
The advantage of this material is that it has good creepiness so that it can withstand the frictional forces that occur. Because it can separate between soft soil and pavement soil that is above it.
This is still related to the point just now because it has a fairly strong appeal. Therefore, Geotextile stabilization is useful for increasing the strength of the soil in the burial process, when making roads.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the role of material is quite important to prevent disasters from occurring due to soft soil. Soft soil has a high risk of being prone to disasters because it must be handled properly so that it can be used properly.
Geotextile stabilization can help overcome these problems. Therefore, if you want to cope with soft soil then you can use this material. Material is cheap so you have nothing to lose using it, don’t worry because you won’t experience other problems related to soft soil. For more information about Geotextile supplier near me please contact: Whatsapp/Mobile Phone : +62 811 1721 338 (Ais), +62 811 9151 338 (Anna), +62 811-8805-538 (Davy) or Email :