Geotextile sandbag is a derivative product of non-woven geotextiles, which is material derived from polyester or polypropylene fibers.
Geotextiles are produced of different thicknesses and have a certain strength. While sandbag itself means wrapping. Want to know more?

What is Geotextile Sandbag and Its Function in Daily Life
Sandbags or geobags have a shape like pillows or sacks, so users can fill the inside with any material near the location, such as sand or soil. After filling the material, the sandbag pads can be sewn to prevent the material from scattering.
Comes in certain dimensions so you can choose according to your needs. In daily use, the function of sandbags is more or less like a substitute for rocks or protective concrete.
The location of the sandbag application is usually on the beach or river. The following is a brief review of the function of sandbags in everyday life.
Abrasion Protection in Beach Areas
The placement of sandbag geotextiles as beach protection from the danger of abrasion is at an appropriate distance and parallel to the beach so that it can block the waves that come or break the beach waves. In addition, geotextile sandbag can also be a barrier when the tide is high.
The installation technique is a stacking technique. From here we know if the function of sandbags is also as a protector of coastal erosion. This is thanks to the material in the sandbag so that it can block sediment transport that occurs along the shoreline.
Like the initial explanation that the shape of the sandbag is like a pillow and can be sewn after filling it with material. In order to make the durability stronger, it uses quality sewing thread with high attractiveness complete with woven reinforcement (webbing flat strip). Such sewing threads also have quite good resistance to mineral acids, microorganisms, fungi, and decay.
Utilization of Wetland Construction
The function of sandbags for wetland construction is usually near swamps or mud.
Load Resistance of Landfill Material
For the function of geotextile sandbag as a load holder originating from stockpile material, it is usually near the embankment construction process.
Strengthening River Banks or Reservoirs
In this function, sandbags become protection of river walls or reservoirs. So, there will be no landslides so there is no damage to river walls or reservoirs.
Sandbag bearings will be a barrier as well as control lowland flooding due to river currents that overflow to reach the river water surface.
Erosion Control
Sandbag placement for erosion control functions is generally in river areas, areas where there is running water. Call it a sandbag to be a protection on the edges of slopes and dams.
For the next function, namely as PVC, the geotextile sandbag will be a protector against ultraviolet rays.
Strengthening the Slope
Users get the function of sandbags as slope reinforcement by installing at the slope location. Thus, minimizing the occurrence of landslides in the road or railway area. Even sandbags are quite effective as landslide barriers in areas that have complicated reliefs.
Beach Revetment Development
Actually, it’s not just protecting the dwelling. More precisely also the protection of residential owners and property owned. This allows restoration and construction activities on the dunes. For those of you who want to build an artificial island, using sandbags is worth considering.
From the exposure to the function earlier, you can tell not if the installation of sandbags is much more effective and efficient. The price of the product is fairly cheap so it’s a shame to miss it.
Confused about how to install geotextile sandbag? Search and get the product where it has a service installed it.
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