The geobag dewatering is a product that is now commonly used in various construction projects. Examples are for building many buildings, protecting the sediment lands, and so on. The water condition inside the soil with quite a large volume can be beneficial for humans.

However, it can be a cause of seeping if dewatering is not done properly. Dewatering is the process of removing or monitoring groundwater discharge at a construction site. This essential process begins with monitoring and then pumping the water.

Usually the item like geobag dewatering out in buildings that will build a fairly deep basement. If the groundwater condition is unstable, it has the potential to cause construction failures such as cracks and the ground sinking.


The Dewatering Methods

So far, dewatering has some methods or types. Each method has its own characteristics and function. Here is the further detail about three dewatering methods.

1.     Pre-drainage

It is a method of lowering the water level first before excavation is carried out. Predrainage is a method that is suitable if the characteristics of the soil are loose, the rock is soft, and has many defects.

Pre-drainage is also used in areas that have water drainage channels, a large seepage discharge, and soil that is sensitive to erosion. This method requires a drilling process and takes a long time.

2.     Pumping Method

This method may need geobag dewatering as well. It is usually used on land that has the characteristics of dense, cohesive, well-graded soil. 

The wells or ditches used for pumping will not interfere with activities around the construction area. This pumping method does not require a long time, and drilling either.

The pipework only needs to be done in the water storage hole. That is why; it makes the dewatering process using the pumping method faster.

3.     Cut-off Method

It is a dewatering type by cuts the groundwater flow. To do so, you have to make a wall so that a construction location can be freed from that water.

This method usually needs a high cost and heavy types of equipment. It is recommended if your construction location is quite far from the houses.

What is Geobag Dewatering

This bag is great for filtering sediment-laden water. It gives you a simple and effective solution for removing heavy particles, especially from excavation water.

It will allow the silt-free water to be released from this bag. In the market, you may find some different designs with various kinds of filter tubes and bags.

The non-woven geotextile material is usually used for low-pressure fed or gravity dewatering. Meanwhile, the woven one is for high-pressure dewatering.

This geobag dewatering thing is mostly used for mining activity, construction, incidental application, and many more again.

The Application and Specification

This geobag maximum capacity and effectiveness can be based on several factors. Examples are the temperature, type of sediment, and geotextile material used.

The applications of this item are varied. Those are for pumping out of standing water, for the small to medium excavation sites, and aggregate washdown.

The common specs are using the 90-micron pore size, 260gsm non-woven geotextile, double stitching, double thickness neck, etc. The specs of this geobag dewatering item can be different based on where you purchase it.

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