
Geotextile Non Woven

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Geotex non-woven is a revolutionary fabric that has been engineered to offer unparalleled versatility and performance in geotechnical applications. Unlike traditional woven fabrics, Geotex non-woven features a unique non-woven structure that provides exceptional filtration, drainage, and separation capabilities.

One of the key advantages of Geotex non-woven is its superior filtration ability. The fabric allows water to pass through while effectively retaining soil particles, preventing clogging and maintaining the integrity of the construction. This makes it an excellent choice for applications such as drainage systems, where efficient water flow and filtration are crucial.

Additionally, Geotex non-woven offers excellent drainage properties. Its open structure allows for the efficient removal of excess water from the soil, helping to prevent waterlogging and maintaining the stability of the construction. This makes it an ideal material for applications like retaining walls, roadways, and embankments, where proper drainage is essential.

Another important feature of Geotex non-woven is its exceptional separation capability. It acts as a reliable barrier between different soil layers and aggregates, preventing intermixing and maintaining the structural integrity of the construction. This separation function is particularly valuable in projects involving multiple layers, such as landfills and road construction, where the prevention of soil contamination and the maintenance of stability are critical.

Geotex non-woven is highly regarded for its strength and durability. It is engineered to withstand the demands of geotechnical applications and can effectively resist punctures, tearing, and degradation caused by environmental factors. This ensures that the fabric maintains its performance and provides long-lasting protection.

The versatility of Geotex non-woven extends to a wide range of geotechnical applications. It is commonly used in erosion control measures to stabilize slopes, prevent soil erosion, and protect vulnerable areas from the damaging effects of water runoff. It is also utilized in landfill capping, providing a reliable and durable barrier to contain waste materials and prevent their migration into the surrounding environment.

Geotex non-woven represents the transformative power of modern geosynthetics. Its innovative design and exceptional performance have revolutionized geotechnical engineering, offering effective solutions to address various challenges in construction projects. Whether it’s enhancing soil stability, facilitating efficient drainage, or providing reliable separation, Geotex non-woven is the go-to material for geotechnical professionals seeking optimal results.

In conclusion, Geotex non-woven is a remarkable fabric that combines versatility and performance in geotechnical applications. Its non-woven structure allows for superior filtration, drainage, and separation capabilities. With its exceptional strength and durability, Geotex non-woven is the ideal solution for erosion control, landfill capping, and a range of other geotechnical projects. Embrace the transformative power of Geotex non-woven and experience the benefits of modern geosynthetics in your construction endeavors.

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Product Knowledges

Product Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

What is non-woven geotextile used for?

Non-woven geotextile is used for various applications in civil engineering and environmental projects. Here are some common uses:

  1. Filtration: Non-woven geotextile acts as a filtration layer in drainage systems, retaining soil particles while allowing water to pass through. It helps prevent clogging of drains, promotes effective water flow, and ensures proper filtration of sediments.

  2. Separation: Non-woven geotextile is used to separate different soil layers or materials with varying characteristics. It prevents the mixing of incompatible materials, such as fine-grained soils and coarse aggregates, maintaining their distinct properties and preventing issues like contamination or differential settlement.

  3. Erosion Control: Non-woven geotextile is employed in erosion control applications to stabilize soil and prevent erosion caused by water flow. It is often used on slopes, embankments, or riverbanks to reduce soil loss, enhance vegetation growth, and maintain the stability of the area.

  4. Reinforcement: Non-woven geotextile provides reinforcement to soils, enhancing their strength and load-bearing capacity. It is commonly used in road and railway construction, embankments, and retaining walls to improve stability, reduce settlement, and distribute loads.

  5. Cushioning and Protection: Non-woven geotextile serves as a protective cushioning layer for geomembranes, liners, or other sensitive materials. It helps prevent punctures, abrasion, or damage caused by sharp objects or external forces, ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of these critical components.

  6. Soil Stabilization: Non-woven geotextile assists in stabilizing and reinforcing soils, particularly in weak or unstable soil conditions. It helps distribute loads, reduce soil movement, and increase the overall stability and strength of the soil.

  7. Landscaping and Horticulture: Non-woven geotextile is utilized in landscaping and horticultural applications to control weed growth, retain moisture, and promote healthy plant growth. It can be installed beneath topsoil or mulch layers, providing a barrier against weed penetration and aiding in water conservation.

What is a non-woven geotextile?

A non-woven geotextile is a type of geosynthetic material that is made from synthetic fibers bonded together without weaving. It is created by a process called needle-punching or heat-bonding, which entangles the fibers to form a fabric-like structure.

Non-woven geotextiles are typically made from materials such as polypropylene or polyester. These materials provide durability, strength, and resistance to environmental factors. The fibers are randomly oriented and intertwined during the manufacturing process, creating a fabric that has unique properties and characteristics.

Non-woven geotextiles are available in various thicknesses, weights, and strengths to suit different applications. They are designed to perform specific functions such as filtration, separation, drainage, and erosion control. The absence of weaving in the manufacturing process gives non-woven geotextiles their distinctive characteristics, including high permeability, flexibility, and easy installation.

Due to their properties, non-woven geotextiles are commonly used in civil engineering, construction, and environmental applications. They provide cost-effective solutions for soil stabilization, erosion control, filtration, separation of different soil layers, protection of geomembranes, and other geotechnical functions. Non-woven geotextiles offer versatility, adaptability, and durability in a wide range of projects, contributing to improved performance and longevity of the constructed infrastructure.

Is non-woven geotextile waterproof?

Non-woven geotextiles are not inherently waterproof. They are designed to have high permeability, allowing water to flow through the material. The purpose of non-woven geotextiles is typically to provide filtration, separation, or reinforcement functions rather than to act as a waterproof barrier.

Non-woven geotextiles have an open structure that allows for water infiltration. They are designed to retain soil particles while allowing water to pass through, facilitating drainage and preventing clogging of drainage systems. This permeability helps in applications such as filtration, erosion control, and drainage.

If you require a waterproof barrier, a different type of geosynthetic material, such as a geomembrane, may be more suitable. Geomembranes are specifically designed to provide waterproofing and act as a barrier against the flow of liquids or gases.

It’s essential to assess the specific requirements of your project and consult with geotechnical engineers or experienced professionals to determine the appropriate geosynthetic material for your waterproofing needs.

What are the three types of geotextile?

The three main types of geotextiles are woven geotextile, non-woven geotextile, and knitted geotextile. Here’s a brief description of each type:

  1. Woven Geotextile: Woven geotextile is made by weaving polypropylene or polyester fibers together in a regular pattern. It has a strong and interlocking structure with distinct openings. Woven geotextiles are known for their high tensile strength, durability, and resistance to punctures and tears. They provide excellent soil reinforcement, separation, and filtration properties.

  2. Non-woven Geotextile: Non-woven geotextile is created by bonding or interlocking synthetic fibers together using needle-punching or heat-bonding techniques. Non-woven geotextiles have a random arrangement of fibers, resulting in a fabric-like structure. They offer properties such as filtration, separation, drainage, and protection. Non-woven geotextiles are typically lightweight and have good permeability.

  3. Knitted Geotextile: Knitted geotextile is produced by interlocking synthetic yarns in a knitting process. It has a three-dimensional structure with loops that provide excellent filtration, drainage, and soil retention capabilities. Knitted geotextiles are flexible, durable, and resistant to UV degradation. They are commonly used in applications such as erosion control, slope stabilization, and soft ground reinforcement.

What is the difference between nonwoven and woven geotextile?

The main difference between nonwoven and woven geotextiles lies in their manufacturing process, structure, and characteristics. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

Manufacturing Process:

  • Nonwoven Geotextile: Nonwoven geotextiles are produced by bonding or interlocking synthetic fibers together through techniques like needle-punching or heat-bonding. The fibers are randomly oriented, creating a fabric-like structure without weaving.
  • Woven Geotextile: Woven geotextiles are made by weaving polypropylene or polyester fibers together in a regular pattern using a loom. The weaving process creates an interlocking structure with distinct openings.


  • Nonwoven Geotextile: Nonwoven geotextiles have a random arrangement of fibers, resulting in a fabric-like structure. The fibers are entangled or bonded together, providing properties such as filtration, separation, and drainage. Nonwoven geotextiles are generally lightweight and have good permeability.
  • Woven Geotextile: Woven geotextiles have a structured pattern created by the weaving process. The fibers are tightly woven together, forming a strong and interlocking fabric with clear openings. Woven geotextiles are known for their high tensile strength, durability, and filtration capabilities.


  • Nonwoven Geotextile: Nonwoven geotextiles offer properties such as filtration, separation, drainage, and protection. They have good water permeability and are effective in retaining soil particles while allowing water to pass through. Nonwoven geotextiles are generally lightweight and flexible.
  • Woven Geotextile: Woven geotextiles provide excellent tensile strength, puncture resistance, and durability. They are commonly used for soil reinforcement, separation of different soil layers, and filtration applications. Woven geotextiles have a defined pore size and offer good long-term stability.

Selection Factors: The choice between nonwoven and woven geotextiles depends on various factors, including the project requirements, soil conditions, hydraulic forces, and desired performance outcomes. Nonwoven geotextiles are often preferred for applications requiring filtration, drainage, and separation, while woven geotextiles are commonly used for soil reinforcement and high-strength applications.

It’s important to consult with geotechnical engineers or experienced professionals to determine the most suitable geotextile type based on the specific project needs and site conditions.

Is geotextile fabric worth it?

Geotextile fabric can provide significant benefits in various civil engineering and environmental projects, making it worth considering for certain applications. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating the value of geotextile fabric:

  1. Enhanced Performance: Geotextile fabric can enhance the performance and longevity of construction projects. It helps stabilize soil, control erosion, improve drainage, and reinforce weak or unstable soils. By providing these functions, geotextile fabric can contribute to the overall success and durability of the project.

  2. Cost Savings: Geotextile fabric can offer cost savings over the long term. It can reduce the need for extensive earthwork, minimize soil erosion and maintenance costs, and extend the lifespan of the constructed infrastructure. By preventing soil movement and improving stability, geotextile fabric can help avoid costly repairs or premature failures.

  3. Environmental Protection: Geotextile fabric promotes environmental protection by preventing soil erosion, maintaining water quality, and minimizing the impact of construction activities on surrounding ecosystems. It can assist in sediment control and filtration, helping to protect water bodies from pollution and sedimentation.

  4. Versatility and Adaptability: Geotextile fabric is available in various types, thicknesses, strengths, and permeabilities, making it versatile and adaptable to different construction scenarios and soil conditions. It can be customized to suit specific project requirements, providing a tailored solution for each application.

  5. Regulatory Compliance: Geotextile fabric can help meet regulatory requirements for erosion control, soil stabilization, and environmental protection. Using geotextile fabric that meets industry standards and regulations can ensure compliance and avoid potential legal or environmental issues.

However, it’s important to evaluate the specific needs and requirements of your project before determining if geotextile fabric is worth it. Factors such as the project scope, site conditions, budget, and intended outcomes should be considered. Consulting with geotechnical engineers or experienced professionals can provide valuable insights and help determine the value and suitability of geotextile fabric for your project.

What is the purpose of geofabrics?

Geofabrics, often termed as geotextiles, are woven or non-woven permeable fabrics typically crafted from polypropylene or polyester. These miracle fabrics serve a myriad of purposes in the field of civil and environmental engineering, acting as the backbone of numerous construction and preservation projects.

The core functions of geofabrics include separation, filtration, reinforcement, protection, and drainage. They stabilize the soil, preventing erosion and promoting vegetation growth, hence, playing a crucial role in soil conservation. Serving as an effective drainage system, they allow water to pass while stopping soil particles from being carried along, thus acting as a vital filter.

Geofabrics provide much-needed reinforcement to structures by distributing stress and tension evenly. They also excel at separation, preventing the mixing of different layers in construction projects like roads. In landfills, geofabrics protect geomembranes from potential damage, ensuring their longevity.

Furthermore, these polymeric textiles are cost-effective and environmentally friendly, reducing the need for natural aggregate materials and helping preserve biodiversity. With their adaptability and broad-spectrum utility, geofabrics are the unsung heroes of modern engineering, continually offering sustainable solutions for our evolving world.

What are the different types of geofabrics?

Different Types of Geofabrics: An Exploration

Geofabrics, or geotextiles, are categorized primarily into two types based on their construction techniques: woven and non-woven.

Woven Geofabrics

As the name suggests, woven geofabrics are made by weaving together individual threads in a manner akin to traditional textile production. The weaving process creates a tight, robust fabric that has high tensile strength. These geofabrics are primarily used when strength is the main requirement, such as in the reinforcement of roads and embankments, stabilization of soft soils, and support for heavy loads.

Non-woven Geofabrics

Non-woven geofabrics, on the other hand, are produced by bonding or entangling fibers through chemical, thermal, or mechanical means. These geofabrics are highly flexible and permeable, with excellent filtration and drainage capabilities. They are commonly used in applications such as erosion control, soil separation, filtration, drainage, and protection. Non-woven geofabrics can be further divided into various types, including needle-punched, heat-bonded, and chemically bonded, each with unique characteristics suited to different applications.

The selection of the type of geofabric for a project largely depends on the specific application requirements, like strength, permeability, durability, and cost-effectiveness. It’s clear that the diverse range of geofabrics available today offer a versatile and innovative solution to a broad array of engineering challenges.

What are the 3 main uses of geofabric

Three Main Uses of Geofabric: An Insight

Geofabric, also known as geotextile, is a permeable synthetic fabric widely used in civil engineering and environmental applications. Here are the three main uses of geofabric: reinforcement, drainage, and soil erosion control.


One of the primary uses of geofabric is to provide reinforcement. By distributing stresses and loads over a larger area, geofabrics enhance the structural stability of roads, embankments, and other engineered structures. This reinforcement improves the lifespan and performance of these structures.


Geofabrics are also essential for effective drainage solutions. They allow water to pass while preventing the transport of soil particles. This property is particularly useful in areas that require superior drainage capabilities to manage water flow, like in landfills, roads, and landscape applications.

Soil Erosion Control

Another significant application of geofabrics is in soil erosion control. They stabilize the soil surface, reducing the erosion caused by wind and water. This application is especially crucial in preserving natural landscapes, protecting infrastructure, and supporting the growth of new vegetation in restoration projects.

In conclusion, geofabrics play an indispensable role in modern construction and environmental projects. Their ability to reinforce, facilitate drainage, and control soil erosion makes them a valuable asset in various engineering applications, thereby ensuring durability and sustainability.

Why geotextile is used in road construction?

Why Geotextile is Used in Road Construction: Unraveling the Advantages

Geotextile, also known as geofabric, is extensively employed in road construction due to its diverse and compelling benefits. The following points will outline why geotextile is a crucial element in this field:


Geotextiles play an essential role in separating the layers of road construction materials. By preventing the intermixing of subgrade soil with the aggregate base or subbase, geotextiles ensure each layer performs its function optimally. Without this separation, the road’s structural integrity could be compromised, leading to premature failure.

Stabilization and Reinforcement

In the context of road construction, geotextiles provide much-needed stability and reinforcement. They distribute the load evenly across the soil, improving the soil’s capacity to bear vehicular loads and reducing deformation and rutting. This enhanced performance significantly extends the lifespan of roads.


Geotextiles also contribute to effective drainage within the road structure. They allow water to pass through, reducing the risk of water pooling and potential damage from freeze-thaw cycles. This property is vital in maintaining the road’s structural integrity and longevity.


Lastly, the use of geotextiles in road construction can lead to substantial cost savings. By boosting the performance and durability of roads, geotextiles reduce the need for frequent maintenance and repairs, making the construction process more economical.

In summary, the application of geotextiles in road construction, with their separation, stabilization, reinforcement, drainage, and cost-effective properties, ensures the durability and effective performance of the roadway system. Their role in road construction is, therefore, integral and highly beneficial.

What type of geotextile is best?

Choosing the Best Geotextile: A Detailed Guide

When it comes to selecting the best type of geotextile, the choice isn’t as straightforward as naming one superior product. The “best” geotextile really depends on the specific requirements of the project in question. However, the two primary types of geotextiles—woven and non-woven—each have their unique strengths that make them suited to different applications.

Woven Geotextiles

Woven geotextiles are known for their high tensile strength and lower elongation, making them suitable for applications where reinforcement is necessary. Their high load-bearing capacity makes them ideal for use in road construction, embankment stabilization, and shoreline erosion control. They also possess a lower cost per unit strength, making them more cost-effective for projects requiring high strength.

Non-woven Geotextiles

Non-woven geotextiles, on the other hand, are noted for their superior permeability and adaptability, making them excellent for drainage and filtration applications. Their high porosity allows water to pass while trapping soil particles, preventing erosion and sediment build-up. Non-woven geotextiles are typically used in areas such as behind retaining walls, in drainage systems, and under riprap or armor stone in erosion control projects.

In conclusion, the “best” geotextile is contingent on the demands of the project at hand. It’s crucial to match the properties of the geotextile to the requirements of the application to achieve the most effective and efficient results. Consulting with a geosynthetic professional can provide valuable insights to make the most appropriate selection.

What is the difference between geotextile fabric and geotextile membrane?

Geotextile Fabric vs. Geotextile Membrane: Highlighting the Differences

While the terms ‘geotextile fabric’ and ‘geotextile membrane’ might sound similar and are sometimes used interchangeably, they usually refer to distinct types of geosynthetics with different properties and applications.

Geotextile Fabric

Geotextile fabrics, also known as geofabrics, are typically permeable textiles used in conjunction with soil to enhance its performance in civil engineering or construction projects. These fabrics, which come in woven and non-woven varieties, serve several key functions, such as separation, filtration, reinforcement, drainage, and protection.

Geotextile Membrane

On the other hand, a geotextile membrane, also known as a geomembrane, is a relatively impermeable barrier used to control fluid or gas migration in a human-made structure or system. These membranes are typically made of flexible polymeric materials like high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and are largely impermeable. Geomembranes are often used in environmental applications such as landfill linings, pond linings, or as barriers for containment.

The Key Difference

The principal difference between geotextile fabric and geotextile membrane lies in their permeability and functionality. Geotextile fabrics are permeable, meaning they allow the passage of fluids, and are typically used for filtration, drainage, separation, and reinforcement. Geotextile membranes, however, are primarily impermeable and are used to contain fluids or gases, providing an effective barrier to prevent leakage or contamination.

In conclusion, both geotextile fabrics and geotextile membranes have unique roles in engineering and construction projects. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the project.