
Drainage Cell

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Drainage cells have emerged as an advanced system that redefines efficient water management and surface drainage in various applications. With their innovative design and cellular structure, drainage cells offer excellent water flow and storage capacity, making them an ideal solution for managing stormwater runoff and maintaining proper drainage.

One of the key benefits of drainage cells is their ability to effectively capture and direct excess water. The cellular structure of these cells allows for efficient water flow, preventing waterlogging and reducing the risk of surface flooding. By providing a pathway for water to drain away, drainage cells help to maintain a healthy environment for vegetation growth and prevent water-related damage to structures.

Drainage cells find extensive use in rooftop gardens and green roofs. These systems allow for the cultivation of plants and vegetation on rooftops, providing numerous benefits such as improved aesthetics, insulation, and environmental sustainability. By incorporating drainage cells, excess water can be efficiently managed and directed away from the rooftop garden, ensuring proper drainage and preventing water buildup that can lead to plant stress or structural issues.

Furthermore, drainage cells are also utilized in underground drainage systems. These systems are designed to capture and manage stormwater runoff from paved surfaces, preventing it from overwhelming traditional drainage infrastructure or causing surface flooding. The cellular structure of drainage cells allows for the storage and controlled release of water, minimizing the impact on the surrounding environment and reducing the strain on existing drainage systems.

The lightweight and easy-to-install nature of drainage cells contribute to their popularity in urban environments. These cells are typically made from durable and environmentally friendly materials, making them easy to handle and transport. The modular design of drainage cells allows for quick and efficient installation, reducing labor and construction time. This makes them an ideal choice for retrofitting existing structures or implementing new water management systems in urban areas where space is often limited.

Additionally, drainage cells offer a sustainable solution for water management. By effectively managing stormwater runoff and promoting proper drainage, they help reduce the strain on traditional drainage infrastructure and prevent water pollution. The controlled release of water from drainage cells allows for natural filtration and infiltration, minimizing the impact on local water bodies and replenishing groundwater sources.

In conclusion, drainage cells are an advanced system that revolutionizes efficient water management and surface drainage. With their innovative design and cellular structure, these cells provide excellent water flow and storage capacity, making them ideal for various applications. Whether it’s rooftop gardens, green roofs, or underground drainage systems, drainage cells offer a sustainable solution for managing stormwater runoff and maintaining proper drainage. Embrace the power of drainage cells and revolutionize your water management practices, promoting a healthier and more sustainable environment.

Drainage Cell -

Product Knowledges

1. Size per pcs: 25cm x 25cm x 3cm
2. 1 bunch = 5 meters = 80 pcs @25cm x 25cm x 3cm
3. 1 bundle can withstand ± 18 kg of weight
4. For installation services, minimum installation = 50 m2 (800 pcs)
5. Product durability = 5 years
6. Material: PP Ori
7. Price: Rp. 5000/pcs
8. 1 m2 = 16 pcs
9. Special price: 100 m2 = IDR 70,000
10. Can be elastic, but hard to break
11. Can be cut using a cutter
12. Application:
– Golf course
– Rainwater irrigation system for plants
– Park parking
– Synthetic grass is placed over the Drainage Cell
– Suitable for use on roof gardens, to help drain water
underground so that there is no decay of plant roots due to excess waterlogging but still maintain moisture.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are drainage cells and how do they work?

Drainage cells are innovative modular structures designed to manage stormwater runoff in urban areas. These cells are made from recycled materials and consist of interconnected voids or chambers. They are installed beneath the ground and can be used in various applications, such as green roofs, planter boxes, and podiums.

The way drainage cells work is quite simple yet effective. When it rains or during any other event that generates excess water, these cells act as reservoirs, temporarily storing the water. This prevents the water from immediately flowing into traditional drainage systems and overwhelming them, which often leads to flooding and erosion.

As the water is stored in the drainage cells, it is gradually released through a controlled outlet. This controlled release allows the excess water to be slowly and steadily discharged into the drainage system or the ground, reducing the risk of flooding and ensuring a more balanced flow of water.

In essence, drainage cells help to manage stormwater on-site, making the entire system more sustainable and efficient. By preventing the overload of conventional drainage systems and providing a controlled release of water, drainage cells contribute to a more environmentally friendly approach to urban development and stormwater management.

Where are drainage cells commonly used?

Drainage cells are commonly used in various construction and development projects, particularly in urban areas. They offer versatile solutions for managing stormwater runoff and have found applications in the following areas:

  1. Green Roofs: Drainage cells are frequently incorporated into green roof systems. They help in retaining water for plants and vegetation, promoting urban biodiversity, and providing insulation for buildings.

  2. Planter Boxes: In landscaping and urban gardening, drainage cells are used in planter boxes to store and manage water for plants, ensuring proper irrigation and preventing waterlogging.

  3. Podiums and Terraces: Buildings with podiums or terraces often utilize drainage cells to control stormwater runoff in these elevated areas.

  4. Retaining Walls: Drainage cells can be installed behind retaining walls to manage water pressure and prevent soil erosion.

  5. Car Parks: Underground parking lots and car parks use drainage cells to manage surface water and prevent flooding.

  6. Sports Fields and Parks: Drainage cells help in managing water on sports fields and recreational parks, allowing for their continued use during and after heavy rainfall.

  7. Roads and Pavements: In some cases, drainage cells are incorporated beneath roads and pavements to improve water drainage and reduce the risk of surface flooding.

  8. Commercial and Residential Developments: Many modern commercial and residential developments integrate drainage cells as part of their sustainable stormwater management strategies.

  9. Industrial Sites: Industries with large structures and open spaces also implement drainage cells to efficiently handle stormwater runoff.

  10. Public Spaces: Parks, plazas, and other public areas often use drainage cells to ensure proper water management and reduce the impact of heavy rain events.

Overall, drainage cells have gained popularity across various sectors due to their eco-friendly nature and ability to provide efficient stormwater management solutions, making them a crucial component in sustainable urban development and construction projects.

How are drainage cells installed?

The installation of drainage cells involves several steps to ensure their proper functioning and effectiveness. Here is a general overview of the process:

  1. Site Preparation: Before installing drainage cells, the site needs to be prepared appropriately. This may involve clearing the area of any debris or obstructions and ensuring a level and stable foundation for the installation.

  2. Survey and Planning: A detailed survey of the site is conducted to identify the areas where drainage cells will be installed. Proper planning ensures that the cells are strategically placed to manage stormwater effectively.

  3. Excavation: Trenches or pits are excavated at the designated locations where the drainage cells will be placed. The depth and size of the excavation depend on the specific requirements of the project.

  4. Geotextile Fabric Installation: A geotextile fabric is laid at the bottom and sides of the excavated area. This fabric acts as a separator, preventing the drainage cells from coming into direct contact with the surrounding soil and ensuring proper water flow through the cells.

  5. Cell Assembly: The drainage cells are assembled and interconnected within the excavated area. They are placed side by side to form a continuous system that can handle stormwater efficiently.

  6. Cell Filling: Once the drainage cells are in place, they are filled with a clean and well-graded filter media or aggregate material. This material acts as a filter to allow water to pass through while preventing clogging and ensuring the long-term functionality of the cells.

  7. Perimeter Encapsulation: The perimeter of the drainage cell system is encapsulated with additional geotextile fabric and a protective layer to secure the cells in place and prevent any movement or shifting.

  8. Outlet Installation: An outlet or discharge pipe is installed to regulate the controlled release of water from the drainage cells into the existing stormwater system or the ground.

  9. Backfilling: The excavated area around the drainage cell system is backfilled with suitable soil, compacted to provide stability, and promote proper drainage.

  10. Surface Restoration: Any disturbed surfaces are restored to their original condition, ensuring a seamless integration of the drainage cell system into the surrounding landscape.

It is essential to follow industry standards and guidelines during the installation process to ensure the optimal functioning of the drainage cells. Proper installation by qualified professionals is crucial to maximizing the benefits of these innovative stormwater management systems and promoting sustainable urban development.

What are the benefits of using drainage cells?

Using drainage cells offers numerous benefits, making them a valuable addition to sustainable urban development and construction projects. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Stormwater Management: Drainage cells efficiently manage stormwater runoff by storing excess water and gradually releasing it. This prevents overwhelming traditional drainage systems, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion in urban areas.

  2. Environmental Protection: By controlling stormwater runoff on-site, drainage cells help protect natural water bodies from pollution caused by runoff containing contaminants and sediments.

  3. Green Spaces Creation: Incorporating drainage cells into urban projects allows for the creation of green spaces, such as rooftop gardens and vertical landscapes. These spaces enhance biodiversity, improve air quality, and provide aesthetic benefits to residents and visitors.

  4. Sustainable Construction: Using drainage cells aligns with sustainable construction practices. Their eco-friendly design, made from recycled materials, contributes to green building certifications and demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility.

  5. Improved Water Quality: As stormwater passes through the filter media in the drainage cells, it gets naturally treated, leading to improved water quality before it is discharged into the drainage system or the ground.

  6. Reduced Urban Heat Island Effect: Green roofs and other applications of drainage cells help mitigate the urban heat island effect by providing natural cooling through evapotranspiration.

  7. Long-Term Cost Savings: While there may be initial installation costs, drainage cells can lead to long-term cost savings by reducing the need for extensive stormwater infrastructure and minimizing maintenance requirements.

  8. Flood Risk Mitigation: By managing stormwater effectively, drainage cells contribute to reducing flood risks in low-lying or flood-prone areas, enhancing the resilience of urban environments to extreme weather events.

  9. Flexible Applications: Drainage cells can be adapted to various construction types and can be retrofitted into existing infrastructure, making them a versatile solution for different projects.

  10. Compliance with Regulations: Many local authorities and government bodies encourage the use of sustainable stormwater management systems like drainage cells through regulations and incentives.

  11. Enhanced Property Value: Properties incorporating drainage cells and green spaces often experience increased market value due to their environmental benefits and appealing aesthetics.

  12. Contribution to Green Building Ratings: Implementing drainage cells in projects can earn credits and points toward green building certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

Overall, drainage cells play a crucial role in promoting sustainable urban development, addressing stormwater challenges, and enhancing the overall livability and environmental performance of cities. Their multifaceted benefits make them a smart choice for modern construction practices that prioritize eco-friendly solutions and long-term urban resilience.

How does geotextile contribute to the longevity of drainage cells?

Geotextile plays a significant role in enhancing the longevity and performance of drainage cells. It is a synthetic fabric made from durable materials that are resistant to decay, making it ideal for use in various civil engineering and construction applications. Here’s how geotextile contributes to the longevity of drainage cells:

  1. Separation and Filtration: Geotextile acts as a separator between the surrounding soil and the drainage cells. It prevents the fine particles of soil from entering the cells, which could clog the voids and hinder proper water flow. This separation function ensures that the drainage cells can function optimally without being compromised by soil infiltration.

  2. Preventing Clogging: Over time, sediment and debris may accumulate in the voids of drainage cells, potentially obstructing water flow. Geotextile filters the water as it passes through the cells, effectively preventing the filter media from clogging with sediment, which maintains the cells’ ability to store and release water efficiently.

  3. Strength and Protection: Geotextile provides an additional layer of strength and protection to the drainage cell system. It helps distribute external loads and stresses evenly across the cells, reducing the risk of damage caused by heavy loads or nearby construction activities.

  4. Chemical Resistance: Geotextile is often treated to resist chemicals and biological degradation, making it highly durable in various environmental conditions. This resistance ensures that the fabric remains intact and effective in protecting the drainage cells from potential chemical exposure in the soil.

  5. Erosion Control: In areas where erosion is a concern, geotextile can be used to stabilize the soil surrounding the drainage cells. It prevents soil erosion by providing reinforcement to the soil, ensuring the cells’ stability and functionality over time.

  6. Drainage Efficiency: Geotextile allows water to pass through while retaining soil particles. This not only prevents clogging but also ensures that the drainage cells receive a continuous flow of water for efficient stormwater management.

  7. Long-Term Performance: By preventing soil intrusion and maintaining water flow, geotextile contributes to the long-term performance of drainage cells. It helps preserve the structural integrity of the cells and ensures they continue to function as intended throughout their lifespan.

Overall, the use of geotextile in conjunction with drainage cells enhances their resilience, durability, and overall effectiveness in managing stormwater runoff. It plays a vital role in extending the life of drainage cells, making them a reliable and sustainable solution for stormwater management in various urban and construction applications.

How do drainage cells contribute to sustainable development?
  1. Drainage cells contribute significantly to sustainable development by addressing various environmental, social, and economic aspects of urbanization and construction. Here are the ways in which drainage cells promote sustainable development:

    1. Stormwater Management: One of the primary contributions of drainage cells to sustainable development is their efficient management of stormwater runoff. By capturing and storing excess water, drainage cells reduce the burden on traditional drainage systems, minimizing the risk of flooding and erosion. This, in turn, helps protect the environment and infrastructure from the damaging effects of storm events.

    2. Green Spaces Creation: Integrating drainage cells into urban projects allows for the creation of green spaces, such as green roofs and planter boxes. These green spaces enhance urban biodiversity, improve air quality, and provide recreational areas for residents, fostering a healthier and more livable environment.

    3. Urban Heat Island Mitigation: Green roofs and green spaces created using drainage cells help mitigate the urban heat island effect. They absorb and dissipate heat, reducing the overall temperature of urban areas and improving the microclimate, making cities more comfortable and energy-efficient.

    4. Water Conservation: Drainage cells facilitate water conservation by allowing for the controlled release of stormwater. This reduces the need for additional irrigation, conserving water resources and promoting more sustainable water management practices.

    5. Reduced Environmental Impact: By managing stormwater on-site, drainage cells reduce the impact of stormwater runoff on natural water bodies. This helps prevent pollution caused by contaminants and sediment runoff, protecting local ecosystems and water quality.

    6. Sustainable Construction Practices: The use of drainage cells aligns with sustainable construction principles. Their eco-friendly design, often made from recycled materials, contributes to green building certifications and showcases a commitment to environmentally responsible development.

    7. Adaptability to Various Projects: Drainage cells are versatile and can be adapted to different construction types, including retrofitting into existing infrastructure. Their flexibility makes them suitable for a wide range of projects, ensuring sustainable stormwater management in various urban environments.

    8. Resilience to Climate Change: Sustainable development requires resilience to climate change impacts. By reducing the risk of flooding and erosion, drainage cells contribute to enhancing the resilience of urban areas to extreme weather events associated with climate change.

    9. Compliance with Regulations: Many local authorities and government bodies encourage sustainable stormwater management practices. The implementation of drainage cells can lead to compliance with regulations and earn incentives for environmentally responsible development.

    10. Long-Term Cost Savings: While there may be initial installation costs, the long-term benefits of drainage cells include cost savings on stormwater infrastructure and maintenance. Their durability and effectiveness contribute to overall cost-effectiveness in the long run.

    By addressing stormwater challenges, promoting green spaces, conserving water, and reducing environmental impact, drainage cells play a vital role in creating sustainable, resilient, and livable urban environments. Their integration into construction projects supports a more balanced approach to development, where environmental protection and human well-being are equally prioritized.

How do I maintain a drainage cell system?

Maintaining a drainage cell system is essential to ensure its long-term effectiveness in managing stormwater runoff. Regular maintenance helps prevent clogging, maximize water storage capacity, and extend the lifespan of the drainage cells. Here are the steps to maintain a drainage cell system:

  1. Regular Inspections: Conduct routine inspections of the drainage cell system to identify any signs of clogging, damage, or deterioration. Inspect the surface and surrounding areas for debris that may obstruct water flow.

  2. Clear Debris: Remove any leaves, branches, or other debris that may have accumulated on the surface of the drainage cells. Debris can block the openings and hinder water infiltration.

  3. Check Outlet and Discharge Pipes: Ensure that the outlet and discharge pipes are free from obstructions. Clean or repair them if necessary to maintain a smooth and controlled water release.

  4. Inspect Geotextile Fabric: Check the geotextile fabric for signs of damage or wear. If any tears or holes are detected, replace the fabric to maintain its separation and filtration functions.

  5. Inspect Filter Media: Examine the filter media inside the drainage cells for compaction or clogging. If the media appears to be compacted, consider adding fresh material to maintain proper drainage efficiency.

  6. Remove Sediment: Over time, sediment may accumulate within the drainage cells. Periodically remove the accumulated sediment to prevent it from obstructing water flow and reducing storage capacity.

  7. Address Soil Settlement: If settlement of the surrounding soil is causing unevenness or dips in the drainage cell system, address the issue by adding compacted soil to level the area.

  8. Check Vegetation: If the drainage cells are integrated into green spaces, inspect the vegetation regularly. Trim plants as needed to avoid overgrowth that may interfere with water flow.

  9. Monitor Water Flow: During heavy rainfall events, observe the water flow within the drainage cell system. Ensure that water is being effectively captured, stored, and released as intended.

  10. Professional Maintenance: Engage qualified professionals for periodic maintenance and inspections. They can assess the system thoroughly and provide expert recommendations for any required repairs or improvements.

  11. Keep Records: Maintain a maintenance log, recording inspection dates, actions taken, and any issues identified. This log can be valuable for tracking the system’s performance and planning future maintenance.

Regular maintenance is crucial for the proper functioning and longevity of drainage cells. By investing time and effort in upkeep, you can ensure that the system continues to provide effective stormwater management and contributes to sustainable development in your urban environment.

How thick are drain cells?

The thickness of drainage cells can vary depending on the specific product and application. Generally, drainage cells are available in different thickness options to suit various construction needs. The typical thickness of drainage cells ranges from 20 millimeters (about 0.8 inches) to 50 millimeters (about 2 inches).

The choice of thickness depends on factors such as the load-bearing requirements of the project, the type of application (e.g., green roofs, planter boxes, podiums), and the expected volume of stormwater to be managed. For instance, projects that expect heavier stormwater runoff may opt for thicker drainage cells to provide greater storage capacity.

Additionally, the thickness of drainage cells may vary based on the manufacturer and the specific design features of the product. It is essential to select the appropriate thickness and specifications of drainage cells based on the project’s requirements to ensure effective stormwater management and the long-term durability of the system. Consulting with qualified professionals and manufacturers can help in making the right choice for your specific construction project.

How do you install drain cells?

To install drain cells, follow these general steps:

  1. Site Preparation: Prepare the area where the drain cells will be installed. Clear the site of any debris or obstructions and ensure a level and stable foundation.

  2. Survey and Planning: Conduct a survey of the site to determine the areas where drain cells will be placed. Plan the layout and design of the drainage system accordingly.

  3. Excavation: Dig trenches or pits at the designated locations where the drain cells will be installed. The depth of the excavation will depend on the project’s specific requirements.

  4. Geotextile Fabric: Lay a geotextile fabric at the bottom of the excavated area. This fabric acts as a separator between the soil and the drain cells, preventing soil intrusion into the cells.

  5. Cell Assembly: Assemble the drain cells and connect them together within the excavated area. The cells should be placed side by side to create a continuous system.

  6. Cell Filling: Fill the drain cells with a clean and well-graded filter media or aggregate material. The filter media allows water to pass through while preventing clogging and maintaining water flow.

  7. Perimeter Encapsulation: Surround the perimeter of the drain cell system with additional geotextile fabric and a protective layer to secure the cells in place and prevent movement.

  8. Outlet Installation: Install an outlet or discharge pipe to regulate the controlled release of water from the drain cells into the drainage system or the ground.

  9. Backfilling: Backfill the excavated area around the drain cell system with suitable soil and compact it to provide stability and promote proper drainage.

  10. Surface Restoration: Restore any disturbed surfaces to their original condition, ensuring a seamless integration of the drain cell system into the surrounding landscape.

It is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and specifications during the installation process to ensure the optimal functioning of the drain cells. Proper installation by qualified professionals is essential to maximize the benefits of these innovative stormwater management systems and promote sustainable urban development.

Example of using drainage cell in Australia?

Example of Using Drainage Cell in Australia: Green Roof Implementation

In the heart of Sydney, Australia, a pioneering sustainable development project has taken shape with the integration of drainage cells in the construction of a state-of-the-art commercial building. The building’s rooftop was transformed into a lush and vibrant green oasis, thanks to the innovative use of drainage cells.

Project Overview: The project aimed to create a sustainable and eco-friendly commercial space while addressing stormwater management challenges in the bustling urban environment. The architects and developers recognized the potential of green roofs in providing multiple benefits, including reduced energy consumption, improved air quality, and enhanced urban biodiversity.

Drainage Cell Implementation: To facilitate the green roof design, an extensive drainage cell system was selected as the foundation for the rooftop garden. The drainage cells were chosen for their efficient stormwater management capabilities, allowing the building to handle heavy rainfall events without overwhelming the conventional drainage systems.

Installation Process: The installation began with thorough planning and site preparation. The rooftop area was cleared of any debris, and the surface was assessed to ensure it could support the additional load of the green roof. Once the groundwork was completed, the installation of the drainage cell system followed these steps:

  1. Excavation and Geotextile Placement: Trenches were excavated across the rooftop to accommodate the drainage cells. Geotextile fabric was placed at the bottom of the trenches to prevent soil intrusion and facilitate proper water flow.

  2. Cell Assembly: The drainage cells were assembled and interconnected to create a continuous system across the rooftop. The cells were aligned, ensuring a level surface for the green roof installation.

  3. Filter Media: The drainage cells were filled with a carefully selected filter media. This media allowed efficient water retention and distribution throughout the rooftop garden while preventing clogging and maintaining adequate drainage.

  4. Vegetation and Irrigation: Once the drainage cell system was in place, a diverse selection of native and drought-resistant plants were carefully planted on the green roof. An efficient irrigation system was installed to ensure proper hydration of the vegetation during dry periods.

Benefits of the Drainage Cell System: The integration of the drainage cell system brought a multitude of benefits to the commercial building and the surrounding environment:

  1. Stormwater Management: The drainage cells effectively managed stormwater runoff, reducing the burden on traditional drainage systems during heavy rain events.

  2. Urban Cooling Effect: The green roof, supported by the drainage cell system, helped mitigate the urban heat island effect by providing natural cooling and reducing energy consumption for air conditioning.

  3. Improved Air Quality: The lush vegetation on the green roof contributed to improved air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and filtering pollutants.

  4. Biodiversity Enhancement: The rooftop garden attracted various bird species and insects, promoting urban biodiversity and creating a harmonious ecosystem.

  5. Aesthetic Appeal: The green roof added aesthetic value to the building, making it an attractive and eco-friendly landmark in the cityscape.

Conclusion: The successful implementation of drainage cells in this sustainable development project showcased the positive impact of green roofs supported by innovative stormwater management solutions. The project became a model for future sustainable urban developments in Australia, demonstrating how the intelligent use of drainage cells can transform rooftops into vibrant green spaces while promoting ecological balance and resilience in urban environments.