Geotextile bags are very important in their use. Geotextile is a layer or sheet material that is useful for strengthening soft soil. That way, the environment can be maintained optimally.
It’s different if there are no geotextile bags. It could be that the soft ground will sink. Apart from that, the soft soil will also erode little by little over time.

Benefits of Geotextile Bags
With its important and abundant uses, geotextile bags are proven to provide many advantages and benefits for anyone who uses them. These benefits include supporting dewatering needs and increasing soil stability. To find out the details of these benefits, you can continue to follow the discussion below. Listen carefully to understand it easily.
Geotextile Bags for Dewatering
You can use geotextile bags for dewatering. In this case, you can use the bag to suck up wastewater. That way, the wastewater will not damage or pollute the environment. The use of geotextile bag is proven to be environmentally friendly. How could it not be, that water can flow out through the porous geotextile fabric? In this flow, the geotextile also attempts to filter the solids.
Various types of wastewater ponds can use geotextile bags. Starting from wastewater factories, aquaculture, mining, and many more. Industrial or processing wastewater can disposed of properly without causing environmental pollution. Regarding the filter capabilities of the geotextile bag, you don’t need to doubt it. This is because the geotextile design can hold particles with a size of more than 10 microns. Because of this design, the screening results will be effective and efficient.
This discussion is also no less important for you to know. Geotextile bags have passive properties. In other words, you don’t need to maintain it regularly. Even without maintenance and just leaving it alone, geotextile bag can still function optimally. It’s even more profitable because you don’t need to monitor it too often. As a result, you can save more time and energy. Seeing these benefits, you will feel lucky if you use it.
Geotextile Bags for Increasing Soil Stability
Apart from dewatering, geotextile bags are also useful in increasing soil stability. As we mentioned earlier, geotextiles can be a solution for dealing with soft soil. By using geotextiles, the soft soil will not just disappear. The soil can be stable thanks to the geotextile bag. Using it is also relatively easy. You only need to stack the bags on the ground according to your wishes and needs.
You can adjust the number of geotextile bags according to your needs. If the soft ground is large, it is necessary to add more bags. The more pockets there are, the better impact it will have on the level of soil stability. From the description above, you can know what the benefits of a geotextile bag are. The benefits can be for suctioning wastewater and maintaining soil stability. You can try to prove the benefits yourself. You will certainly be amazed by its greatness.
For more information about geotextile supplier near me please contact: Whatsapp/Mobile Phone: +62 811 1721 338 (Ais), +62 811 9151 338 (Anna), +62 811-8805-538 (Davy) or Email: