In the world of geotechnical engineering, geotextiles are one of the most widely used materials. Indonesia’s geographical location, most of which have soft soil conditions, require this material. Geotextile fabric retaining wall is one of the solutions that can help strengthen the soil. The cost of using this material is relatively cheap when you compare it to other soil strengthening methods.

Geotextile Fabric Retaining Wall

Geotextile Fabric Retaining Wall to Improve Soil Stability

Geotextiles are synthetic fabrics that you can use in various applications in geotechnical engineering. For example, such as erosion control, drainage, and for soil stabilization. One common use of geotextiles is the use of drainage in retaining walls. This material becomes a structure that will support the soil or other materials at different levels.

Drainage of the retaining wall is very important because it plays a role in preventing seepage, hydrostatic pressure, and also the instability of the wall and soil behind it. However, this material does have a number of limitations and challenges that you need to consider before choosing it as a drainage retaining wall.

Advantages of Geotextile Fabric Retaining Wall

One of the advantages of geotextile material is that it is easy to install and maintain. Geotextiles can be rolled and cut to suit the shape and size of the retaining wall. You also don’t need heavy equipment or experts to get it.

This material itself can be resistant to chemicals, UV rays, and also a number of biological substances. This indicates that the geotextile fabric retaining wall can last a long time without damaging or losing its function. This material can also provide many benefits for retaining wall drainage, such as reducing blockages, filtering out fine particles, increasing soil strength, and increasing flow capacity.

Design Considerations for Optimizing Usage

To ensure its optimal performance for retaining wall drainage, you need to consider several designs. The first thing is to make sure the material you need to choose is according to the conditions, type and size of soil particles, flow rate and the durability and strength you need.

Then you need to install the geotextile carefully so that it does not move. In addition, to ensure that the material does not overlap, anchorage, and adequate connection with the drainage system and walls. Furthermore, materials need you to inspect and maintain regularly to detect and correct any defects or problems that would affect their integrity or function.

Retaining Wall Geotextile Function

Geotextile fabric retaining walls are specifically built to be able to withstand soil movement due to water forces and soil lateral pressure. A number of functions that you can get for materials and their functions such as:

    • Can withstand the lateral pressure of water that can occur in a reservoir, dam or weir.

    • It can also prevent the process of seeping water caused by the elevation of the groundwater level with a fairly high intensity.

    • Similar to the previous point, this material can function in the dewatering process by cutting off the flow of water on the ground.

    • Can withstand soil lateral, whether in conditions of stationary, active, or passive earth pressure.

The construction of this retaining wall uses a construction that depends on the goals the builder wants to achieve. In addition, it is also the location of the field where the retaining land will be built. In general, you can use this retaining wall to suppress soil pressure in slope pools, retention ponds, embankments, building construction, and so on.

You can use the geotextile fabric retaining wall application itself for many cases. There generally aims to change the landscape of a place.

For more information about Geotextile supplier near me please contact: Whatsapp/Mobile Phone : +62 811 1721 338 (Ais), +62 811 9151 338 (Anna), +62 811-8805-538 (Davy) or Email :